Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:17:27 pm
Shutter is a great screen capture application and can be found in your software centre to set as default capture is quite easy >
You will have Capture as your default (in Zorin 9 Core and Ultimate) as we may want to still use Capture lets give it a new keyboard command to launch (default is PrtScr)
Go Zorin Menu > System Settings > Keyboard
Click Shortcuts > Screenshots > highlight Screenshot Back space to delete and type new Keyboard Command
With that done we can now make Shutter our default and launch it with PrtScr
Still in Keyboard click Custom Shortcuts and the +
A small window will open and please type the same as shown
Click Apply then highlight your custom short cut (new accelerator will show) and press PrtScr, you should see Shutter ... Print, close all windows and log out or reboot .. thats it.
You will have Capture as your default (in Zorin 9 Core and Ultimate) as we may want to still use Capture lets give it a new keyboard command to launch (default is PrtScr)
Go Zorin Menu > System Settings > Keyboard
Click Shortcuts > Screenshots > highlight Screenshot Back space to delete and type new Keyboard Command
With that done we can now make Shutter our default and launch it with PrtScr
Still in Keyboard click Custom Shortcuts and the +
A small window will open and please type the same as shown
Click Apply then highlight your custom short cut (new accelerator will show) and press PrtScr, you should see Shutter ... Print, close all windows and log out or reboot .. thats it.