Well a bit of background, I decided not to dual-boot with Windows 7 any more and put Zorin on an older drive in my hot-bay - which was ear-marked for Win10 but forgot this is on an old 'fatter' drive so a recycled ExcelStor drive from the youngest's machine. Zorin 9 was not playing nice with Cairo-Dock so I am back using Zorin 10 which my video tutorial was used for in producing Zorin - Updates and tweaks video
https://vimeo.com/135585793 where I found that VLGothic font is much more suited to the terminal.
Back to business:
1. Removing packages you are not going to use (in this example it is Zorin 32-bit Ultimate) and in this instance this is down to my personal preferences, i.e., stuff I don't want on the machine which in turn will also reduce the amount of updates coming through so this might be worth doing BEFORE you start updating your system after first install.
So the best way to remove packages COMPLETELY is to use the 'purge' command in the Terminal (Ctrl+ Alt+ T or in Zorin 9 Menu | Accessories | Terminal or in Zorin 10 Menu | System Tools | Terminal)
Not sure what each program is named for 'Terminal' purposes? Well select the 'Z' Menu button, go to the Application Group e.g., Games, Office, select an application by right-clicking and select 'send to desktop.
Once there, right-click the shortcut on the desktop and select properties. In the screenshot I have selected 'homebank'. [I NEVER use internet banking - here in the UK the consumer body 'Which?' did a survey a couple of years ago and even the most secure banks only got an 81% security rating which speaks volumes in itself!)
Notice in the terminal you can select more than one application you no longer require - you just have to ensure that you add a space between each one - this also works in reverse if you know the name of the application you want to install - if 'apt' does not find it it may well provide you with a named suggestion - go with that if it finds one.
Here is the screenshot: [If there is no screenshot it is because I will be installing another browser other than Firefox that works!]
Well it has worked because I am using Zorin 10! I shall probably stick with this beyond end-of-life until Zorin 11 comes out, the next LTS I suspect!

[Note: homebank should have been 'HomeBank' - unusual to see capitals for apps in the Terminal! trigger should have been 'trigger-rally' and mines 'gnome-mines'! and it appears you cannot use a 'list of apps' as before! After you have used the 'purge' command you will also need to use:
- Code:
sudo apt-get autoremove
to remove any associated files/folders, principally 'game data' in respect of games such as 'xonotic' etc. so if you get this prompt, do it!