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Making backup does not succeed


Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:49:53 pm

I can't make the "backup"...
The error message is quite complicated as in below screenshot:
Screenshot from 2019-06-20 22-46-19.png

Anyone there who understands what this means?

It should be noted that the backup fail in middle of the backup process:
Screenshot from 2019-06-25 15-18-12.png

It starts completely normally, before the "invalid credentials" -message appears.
There could be a file with <space> " " or some other special character (like Korean character)
in the file name that fails to upload to the google drive and stops the backup procedure.

The upload datastream seem to stop and recover, stop and recover multiple times:
Screenshot from 2019-06-25 16-20-07.png

The above image hold the last files sent before upload shuts down.
whatever is failed in these files is not shown by the error message.
All the files have my ownership and permissions to read...
The "Details" window text (file names) does not scroll when new files come.


Thu Jun 20, 2019 8:09:02 pm

Hi, I have never used 'Backup' (De ja Dup) or anything that has ever shipped with Zorin - your screenshot mentions no authority which means the progam may need to have been run as 'sudo' - or did you make yourself a standard user? For backup I do one of two things - make regular backups of '/home' partition, remembering to press Ctrl+ H to view all hidden files and backup the whole /home folder to external drive. If I want to make an image of the entire system I use 'redobackup' from here:

;) :D


Fri Jun 21, 2019 4:51:26 am

Or there could be some issue with the files in the backuped folder that they can not be sent to the server...
About 20-30% of the files were backuped when this error came out.
All the files checked with below:
ls -lR | grep . | sed '/^total/d' | sed '/^\./d' > /tmp/res1.txt
cat /tmp/res1.txt | colrm 3 | colrm 1 1 | grep -v "r" >> /tmp/res0.txt
and all files have user 'read access' (nothing remains after 'grep -v "r"')

If I run 'sudo deja-dup' following error occurs:
Screenshot from 2019-06-21 13-33-01.png
Screenshot from 2019-06-21 13-33-01.png (9.78 KiB)


Fri Jun 21, 2019 12:01:53 pm

jarkky wrote:I can't make the "backup"...
The error message is quite complicated as in below screenshot:
Screenshot from 2019-06-20 22-46-19.png

Anyone there who understands what this means?

See the answer here: ... %C3%A0-dup


Sat Jun 22, 2019 4:01:24 am

okay.. but then another error occurs: "volume doesn't implement mount"...

But as far as I can see all the required volumes are mounted, but "google-drive" mount point (parent folder) is not visible:

And permissions also seem lost:
Screenshot from 2019-06-22 12-11-42.png


Sat Jun 22, 2019 1:06:59 pm

Like that thread I pointed you to - that's a Google permissions issue not a Deja Dup issue. ;)


Sun Jun 23, 2019 3:17:30 am

Then it could be too hard to be fixed...
How did you know it even before I mentioned of google?
"For further help, please contact Google."
Then is this only google related issue?
Maybe they want their drive to be used a lot, but not for doing backups...
Maybe there is a security issues or something, that it can not work out that easily.
I think I better then leave this issue as it is and try find other drive.
I then made a "local backup" with deja-dup and it seemed to work.
This must be then google drive related issue really.
Also something strange in this laptop that it does not allow upgrade memory above 4Gb.
BIOS? Heating? CPU/memory interface thermal/process failure at upper memory block pins?


Tue Jul 02, 2019 2:29:20 pm

Still no solution to this... I'll try again, but nothing I can do. Errors are the same
and no 100% clue what that means.

Maybe some type of connection failure:
Giving up after 5 attempts. Error: g-io-error-quark: Error received from server after uploading a resumable upload chunk. (0)


Tue Jul 02, 2019 3:40:24 pm

jarkky, you will make life easier for yourself by cutting Gargoyle out of the picture completely. Déjà Dup is fine if you confine your backups to an external drive locally. As with all megacorps, the G-men will only allow mortals to play by their rules.


Tue Jul 02, 2019 4:17:48 pm

tambler wrote:jarkky, you will make life easier for yourself by cutting Gargoyle out of the picture completely. Déjà Dup is fine if you confine your backups to an external drive locally. As with all megacorps, the G-men will only allow mortals to play by their rules.

I wish this forum allowed "likes" on posts because this one deserves a thumbs up :D

I avoid Google as much as I can. The Street View tacking into Peoples networks and downloading information...
Now, the latest Google incentive: They released an android update that inhibits all Non-Google apps from being able to communicate with their servers giving Google Priority.

So now, my ebay "Item is ending in fifteen minutes" alert arrives an hour and a half late.


Mon Jul 15, 2019 9:19:39 am

Certainly the message comes during the backup, when the backup is at the 1/2 -way or more.
I don't know how the credentials can change during the backup -process.
This could be wrong message.
Local HDD backup works fine...

It looks that google-wise only Mac and Windows are supported:
Screenshot from 2019-07-15 18-35-39.png


Mon Jul 15, 2019 10:52:33 pm

As stated elsewhere this is a Google issue - don't know if it was on here or someone at work had all their Google docs screwed - you have been warned! ;)


Sat Aug 31, 2019 10:39:10 am

It looks like the 'deja-dup' try make the backup in the wrong folder at the google drive