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Lockscreen background sometimes different from that selected


Fri Mar 01, 2019 5:17:04 pm

I have 12.4 Core and 2 users. Lockscreen background is changed in both user account, to a custom picture from the default blue (blend.png) as found in usr>shared>backgrounds.
So I expect my custom lockscreen picture to be displayed when screen times out for either user. But oh no, not so simple, I have been getting blue (blend.png) appearing instead. Spooky.
Tweek Tool confirms the Zorin Background screen settings, so how is the blue one finding its way onto the screen?


Sat Mar 02, 2019 2:10:38 pm

Hi, It is possible that it is because it is in backgrounds? Open a terminal (Ctrl+ Alt+ T or Menu | Utilities | Terminal) and navigate to usr | share backgrounds:

yourusername@yourpc:~$ cd ..
yourusername@yourpc:$ cd ..
yourusername@yourpc:/$ cd usr
yourusername@yourpc:/usr$ cd share
yourusername@yourpcc:/usr/share$ sudo chown yourusernam backgrounds
[sudo] password for yourusername:             

You now have ownership of the backgrounds folder - if you see any folders that are locked instead of owning by yourusername you should try:

sudo chown su backgrounds

If you wish you can either delete all the backgrounds in there (but this will affect your desktop image if you do!) or simply drag your picture from your pictures folder into backgrounds. ;) :D


Sun Mar 03, 2019 6:17:50 pm

Thanks for the reply Swarf.
I had found that location for the offending lockscreen background before my original post so was able to identify its name. I think I had a go at moving my preferred lockscreen background into that share folder, but was unable.
I will have another play around with that and then report back after.


Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:17:33 pm

Just to say I did not proceed to mess with shared folder ownerships. Instead I chose a plain colour other than blend.png for lockscreen background. However, the plain lockscreeen colour I chose from shared backgrounds for both users also does not always appear on the lockscreen/sliderscreen. Zorin shipped default blend.png still pops up on occasions.

I have also searched widely how to turn off the Gnome slider lockscreen altogether, but there seem to be no easy solutions. It doesnt affect operation, so I will not mess with it and risk breakage.

I am finding Zorin 12.4 Core reliable and functional, but the oversize desktop icons and chunky window top labels and controls (normal to linux) are not so ethetically pleasing when compared to Microsoft Windows windows design. Well not on a 15.4" laptop screen anyway.

I have set 8 font to try and minimise bulky window screen real estate, but that has had little aparent effect.

I wonder if new Zorin version will look any better on a small screen.


Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:02:02 pm

zabadabadoo wrote:Just to say I did not proceed to mess with shared folder ownerships. Instead I chose a plain colour other than blend.png for lockscreen background. However, the plain lockscreeen colour I chose from shared backgrounds for both users also does not always appear on the lockscreen/sliderscreen. Zorin shipped default blend.png still pops up on occasions.

I have also searched widely how to turn off the Gnome slider lockscreen altogether, but there seem to be no easy solutions. It doesnt affect operation, so I will not mess with it and risk breakage.

I am finding Zorin 12.4 Core reliable and functional, but the oversize desktop icons and chunky window top labels and controls (normal to linux) are not so ethetically pleasing when compared to Microsoft Windows windows design. Well not on a 15.4" laptop screen anyway.

I have set 8 font to try and minimise bulky window screen real estate, but that has had little aparent effect.

I wonder if new Zorin version will look any better on a small screen.

zabadabadoo, something about Zorin doesn't like the Login screen configuration being changed. I'm not sure why, but I suspect it is due to Zorin configuring the login a certain way that sets it apart from the Ubuntu Login appearance, giving Zorin its own unique look.
But, I wanted to change mine. What I did that enabled me to do what I wanted was I switched to using LightDM greeter (Which meant having to remove GDM3 entirely to get it to work) as default. I then installed the following to tweak it:
Now, my lockscreen, login screens are all exactly how I want them to be. Admittedly, I did go into usr/share/plymouth folder and changed a few items and then saved the changes under their original name, as well...
On Desktop Icon size, I found this thread on this forum:
I use Nemo3 as default instead of Nautilus as well. so I can vouch for its lovability.
Have you tried opening Nautilus, edit, preferences, icon view defaults?
Or - have you tried using dconf-editor,

Nautilus/Preferences/My Icon View Default


Sat Mar 16, 2019 8:44:56 pm

Hi, to turn lock screen off, open Settings then Privacy.


Mon Mar 18, 2019 5:42:30 pm

Aravisian wrote:
On Desktop Icon size, I found this thread on this forum:

That topic link was an interesting read, but the final post was dissapointing in that the OP stated desktop icons could only be reduced to a size still too big.
I don't really want to alter Zorin Core 12.4 components and change to alternative File Manager or UI, so the KDE-Config-Touchpad tool to change desktop icon size will be a no-no for me.
I appreciate that it is possible to change icon size in Zorin taskbar (by varying taskbar height) and icon size in Zorin dock, but not desktop icons. I don't use many desktop icons so will live with the big blobs that are minimum size.
I don't follow how you edit icon size in Nautilus. From what I can see, Nautilus GUI does not have settings menu for that.

I have tried turning off Lock Screen in Settings/Privacy. Jury is now out whether the blue slider will sneak back as default or not.

Thanks guys. I am still playing around and learning whilst trying not to break things.


Mon Mar 18, 2019 6:49:12 pm

zabadabadoo wrote:I don't follow how you edit icon size in Nautilus. From what I can see, Nautilus GUI does not have settings menu for that

Thanks guys. I am still playing around and learning whilst trying not to break things.

I don't use nautilus, usually I just open and check real quick. But I recall that holding the CTRL key while scrolling with the mousewheel adjusted icon size, including desktop icon size.
That doesn't work on mine.

ETA: If you look at upper right hand side, you should see the following:
There is a slider beneath it. Is that what you see on your Nautilus window?


Tue Mar 19, 2019 2:18:10 pm

Aravisian wrote:
I don't use nautilus, usually I just open and check real quick. But I recall that holding the CTRL key while scrolling with the mousewheel adjusted icon size, including desktop icon size.
That doesn't work on mine.

ETA: If you look at upper right hand side, you should see the following:
There is a slider beneath it. Is that what you see on your Nautilus window?

1. If you right-click on a desktop icon and choose "resize icon", then four corners of the icon appear and you can change its size. But I am already using the smallest size, which as others have pointed out, are still very BIG.

2. Re: your screenshot. Yes, I see that. But as I have stated above, that is also set to smallest size, which is BIG.

Both the above do the same thing. Which in my case is allow me to change size of icons from big (e.g. Home) to absolutely massive (WasteBin).
Screenshot of desktop attached.

Even with lockscreen disabled for all active users, I am still getting the blue lock screen slider (blend.png) if noone logs in after bootup.


Tue Mar 19, 2019 6:21:47 pm

zabadabadoo wrote:@Aravisian:
1. If you right-click on a desktop icon and choose "resize icon", then four corners of the icon appear and you can change its size. But I am already using the smallest size, which as others have pointed out, are still very BIG.

2. Re: your screenshot. Yes, I see that. But as I have stated above, that is also set to smallest size, which is BIG.

Both the above do the same thing. Which in my case is allow me to change size of icons from big (e.g. Home) to absolutely massive (WasteBin).
Screenshot of desktop attached.

Massive, Wow.
Heh heh that is magic.

I am swamped today with mechanical repairs. I do not have enough knowledge to help you and today is busy. And I am a Linux noob.
It seems to me that there should be a way, since the size is obviously scalable. It may be a matter of learning how to set the minimum size value to a lesser value. Since large= mammoth; I definitely think there is a scale there!
When I have time this evening, if nothing has changed on your end, I will try to learn what I can and hopefully be of some help. I joined the forum to get help, but if I am able to give back, I am happy to try. Besides, it helps me to learn too.
But an expert may weigh in while I am still off on cloud nine.
While it is fortunate that this does not inhibit your ability to use your computer, usability also includes your preferences and the importance of that cannot be underestimated.


Wed Mar 20, 2019 3:21:01 am

Swarfendor- should this topic be splintered off into a new thread?

This is what I have been able to find so far:
The minimum size for icons in Gnome is 64 or 48px. In order to change that, you must pull lout lots of hair.
First, find out what version of Nautilus you have. Open a terminal and type
nautilus --version

It should be 3.18 or 3.20...
Once you know your version, visit this site:
and find your version and download it. Select your version, then select the tar file listed. In my case, it was 3.18.2tar.xz
Open a terminal and install the following dependencies:
sudo apt install libgd-dev autotools-dev libexif-dev libexempi-dev libselinux1-dev libtracker-sparql-1.0-dev libext-dev libxml2-dev libgnome-desktop-3-dev

Navigate to the archive you downloaded for Nautilus and unzip it and put it in the Home Folder or a location you prefer.
After you have it unzipped, navigate to "nautilus-icon-info.h" and double click the file to open it. The path on version 3.18.2 was: /nautilus-3.18.2/libnautilus-private. If you have a different version and it is not in the libnautilus-private folder, then you may need to hunt for it.
In the text format file, scroll down to line 30 or so. You will see the following:

Change the values to what you want to use. For example, where you see "#define NAUTILUS_CANVAS_ICON_SIZE_SMALL 64", change the value to 28 if you want that size.
When you are finished, click save (Check for any mistakes before exiting the file).
Now, you must Install this updated version of Nautilus.
Open terminal and CD to "nautilus-3.18.2" or the name of the version you downloaded.
type in


sudo make install

After all that, reboot.

Hopefully, this works out for you and you end up one happy camper. If not. I'm a lousy Linux noob. But let me know, anyway. I looked up and searched earlier but had to rush back out the door. So I read the material and jotted down the download site and folder names on notepad and rushed off. I typed this up when I got home based off memory, a bit of testing and the notes.


Wed Mar 20, 2019 3:05:24 pm

I really appreciate your research and replies to-date.
I'm also a Linux noob running Zorin 12.4 Core dual-boot alongside WinXP SP3. Whilst I am happy with Zorin basic functionality and speed, I'm constantly comparing the two OS and think the Zorin desktop could benefit from a couple of small aesthetic improvements. I have already removed TitleBar from both Firefox and Thunderbird to save on wasted screen space.
I was hoping as a noob that there would be a simple display setting to decrease desktop icon size less than 48. That seems not the case without, as you say, some hair pulling. I am not particularly keen to mess with Zorin default apps and start downloading installing from tar files at this stage, but I may crack and consider doing that sometime.
I will check what version of nautilus I have in my package and take it from there.
Again, thanks for your help. If I get anywhere with this I will post back.

PS: also see what you mean about this thread having moved on a tangent from original lockscreen background subject. Sorry folks.


Wed Mar 20, 2019 4:56:14 pm

zabadabadoo wrote:@Aravisian.
I really appreciate your research and replies to-date.

The beauty of it is that silent lurkers may come across the same. ;)
zabadabadoo wrote:alongside WinXP SP3.

You're doing it right!
zabadabadoo wrote:I was hoping as a noob that there would be a simple display setting to decrease desktop icon size less than 48.
(...)but I may crack and consider doing that sometime.

Yes, I have done a lot of appearance modifying. :D
I know exactly how you feel. We came from using Windows where that was simply how it was. Automated. And when what we wanted to do was not available, we accepted it and moved on, forgetting that thing we wanted to do.
Using Linux opened up something new, for me. In this case, I found that I did not have to just accept and forget it. But familiarity with ease and convenience persisted in my thinking.
I would hope to encourage you to 'crack sometime' even if you feel it is 'not yet time.' When you do, (Can't be a noob, forever :D) I am confident you will find it enjoyable and rewarding. And very empowering. Maybe you won't; Maybe you just have a preference about how your computer works for you. Nothing is set in stone.

zabadabadoo wrote:PS: also see what you mean about this thread having moved on a tangent from original lockscreen background subject. Sorry folks.

I follow a more relaxed and conversational style in my approach rather than being flat and By The Book.
Moderators prefer things to be organized and always on topic. In my shop, every tool has a place and every tool is in its place. Organization and ease of access is a great thing. But in this, there can be benefits for a wee bit o' chaos. In moderation, of course. Some weeks back, I was looking up some instructions on an Ubuntu Forum and during that topic a poster happened to incidentally mention how to convert .png files to .svg files easily with one terminal command prompt (Because Imagemagick comes packaged with the OS). I had been hunting for a GUI program to do it, looking for dependencies and a working compatible program for days before that and this random poster going off topic saved me a LOT of trouble. So while the moderators are right to encourage staying on topic and keeping threads organized for search-ability, I also learned long ago that if you are always right, something is wrong.
The moderators are capable of splicing a thread off to a new one. And we are capable of being considerate and starting new threads for new questions. But if, on occasion you go a bit random, don't sweat it. Some silent unknown person out there may be very, very glad you did.


Wed Mar 20, 2019 7:40:46 pm

There is a reason why moderators keep topics on track - newcomers looking for what might be a potential solution will be put off by seeing stuff not related to the same topic they wanted to find. "Tidy Desk - Tidy Mind" - But for goodness sake don't look at my desk! :lol:


Thu Mar 21, 2019 10:52:50 am

I see that Zorin 15 Beta is announced today. Good news.
I wonder if there are any advances in:
a. Setting Lockscreen (slider) background images consistently for all occasions.
b. Control over Lockscreen (on/off) consistently on all occasions.
c. Control of desktop icon sizing (i.e. smaller than smallest size setting on Zorin 12.4)
May try out Zorin 15 on a USB stick.


Thu Mar 21, 2019 8:46:33 pm

zabadabadoo wrote:I see that Zorin 15 Beta is announced today. Good news.
I wonder if there are any advances in:
a. Setting Lockscreen (slider) background images consistently for all occasions.
b. Control over Lockscreen (on/off) consistently on all occasions.
c. Control of desktop icon sizing (i.e. smaller than smallest size setting on Zorin 12.4)
May try out Zorin 15 on a USB stick.

Advise you post all of the above in Zorin 15 feedback before the final gets released. ;) :D


Fri Mar 22, 2019 3:55:26 pm

Swarfendor437 wrote:Advise you post all of the above in Zorin 15 feedback before the final gets released. ;) :D

Good thinking. Done that.