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Finston Pickle
Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:48:38 pm
I am still finding difficulty (To my eyes on a higher resolution laptop than my last model) with the fonts and sizes of both the O/S and Applications as well as the Icons of my Applications, which are too small.
Changing the font size to large in the O/S gives letters to large for words not be split between lines (not enough adjustment, it seems) and likewise with any resizing of Icons.
Quite a few people have the same issue - are we closer to achieving better, more finely adjustable fixes, please?
Also how can I get some better fonts into the O/S - I like Times New Roman.
Thanks Again F.P.
Thu Mar 16, 2017 9:05:48 pm
Hi, in respect of Icons have you attempted to change the default poor paper ones to the nicer Hi Color ones?
As for font scaling have you got gnome-tweak-tool (Tweak Tool) installed?
And as for Times New Roman I think M$ have the rights to that - anything wrong with the Open Source/Free Fonts?:
Finston Pickle
Fri Mar 17, 2017 8:58:08 am
I am still using paper icons (They are weak, I agree), but I have downloaded and installed a few alternatives, which I have not had the confidence to try yet.
They are: Xelicsm, Dalisha, Moka, Masalla.
I am interested in HiColour icons, but I don't know where I can get them from or how to install them.
I noticed in an earlier post from you, Swarf, a reference to your using "Applications Adapta-Nokte and Vivacious - AA Gnome shell - Black", where do they fit in? I don't understand what you have been altering here or how - but it could be good if it makes things a bit brighter. Is there a White version of that AA Gnome shell - I would love to get away from the black O/S system boxes in Zorin12
I have installed gnome-tweak-tool, but not used it since I got Zorin 12 running again on my Kratos laptop. I am now working more often on that laptop and I am working through the residual issues that I have with Z12.
Can gnome-tweak-tool work on the font size in the Black O/S system boxes and can the size of the boxes be, say doubled?
Fri Mar 17, 2017 1:04:15 pm
I have been looking at Gnome Shell Themes on - also check out 'Additional Extensions' on the official gnome extensions page - my only slight concern was that I had to install some google chrome extension element to Firefox so you can install Extensions directly from the Gnome Web page - makes life a lot easier.
Finston Pickle
Tue Mar 21, 2017 7:20:30 pm
Still work in progress - I installed the Adapta-Nokte theme - if I can find it in Zorin Appearance. Perhaps I should use Tweak Tool to have a look at it first.
Finston Pickle
Sat Apr 01, 2017 5:57:22 pm
Pretty well there now - I mainly tweaked individual browser and App settings to get things the way I wanted.
A few fonts are still WEENY, but I can live with them.
The icons and writing on the desktop are just about big enough, but Nautilus seems to carry on too small as ever - I will use Tweak Tool when I feel brave - or perhaps not.
Sat Apr 01, 2017 10:37:48 pm
Finston Pickle wrote:Pretty well there now - I mainly tweaked individual browser and App settings to get things the way I wanted.
A few fonts are still WEENY, but I can live with them.
The icons and writing on the desktop are just about big enough, but Nautilus seems to carry on too small as ever - I will use Tweak Tool when I feel brave - or perhaps not.
No - use 'dConf Editor':
for some reason, Screenshot failed to show the alternatives on the drop-down list - 'standard' and 'large'.
Finston Pickle
Sun Apr 02, 2017 11:19:30 am
Thanks, Swarf - I tried dConf Editor.
Unfortunately, I did not get the interesting selection of things that you could change as in your screen shot.
All I got as options on the left hand side were:
Naturally, I am a little baffled. F.P.
Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:12:11 pm
You need to click on those little triangles/arrow heads to expand the choice - the path is:
org | gnome | nautilus | icon view
Finston Pickle
Mon Apr 03, 2017 7:02:01 am
Thanks again - you just have to know where to find things!