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[SOLVED] How do I mount my drives permanently/automatically?


Fri Apr 11, 2014 12:52:12 am

Hi all,

Well, I hope my question is clear...




Fri Apr 11, 2014 2:46:01 am

Is your drive a local drive or a network drive?

I have managed to mount my windows data drive (which is a local drive automatically) but my network drive is proving more stuborn.

To mount my local drive I first made a directory in media.
cd /media
mkdir WinXP

I then found out my UUID for my local drive:
sudo blkid - [See ... ate-fstab/]

Edit your fstab file:
sudo gedit /etc/fstab

At the end of the file:
# Mount Windows Data drive on boot up
UUID=6E7025137024E415 /media/WinXP ntfs-3g defaults,windows_names,locale=en_GB.UTF-8 0 0

UUID is the unique id for the volume you would like to mount
/media/WinXP is the place you would like to mount the windows drive
ntfs-3g is the NTFS file system
locale is your local language set.

Hope that helps a bit.

For network drives I can get:
// /mnt/NASdrive1 cifs credentials=/home/usr/Documents/.NASdrive.txt,iocharset=utf8, 0 0

//server name or address/directory you want to mount
/mnt/NASdrive1 is the where I am mounting the network drive
cifs is the file system
credentials are the username, password and domain name I need to passover to the NAS drive [you can use -o username=YourName,password=YourPassword] Not keen on the latter as your username and password are in your fstab file for people to see

But I get an Input / output error which I can't understand. So it is not complete but I hope to get it sorted because without it I don't have all my data to work with. Hence late nights and early mornings.

Hope some of this helps you and best of luck. Maybe someone with more knowledge could shed more light, if this is not very helpful.


Fri Apr 11, 2014 7:20:09 am


also check the settings in Dconf Editor should you have it installed:

Dconf Editor > Org > Gnome > Desktop > Media-Handling > Automount/Automount-open/Autorun Never

If you want to install it via a terminal, use the following terminal command:

sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

Hope it helps. :D


Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:38:03 am

Wolfman wrote:Hi,

also check the settings in Dconf Editor should you have it installed:

Dconf Editor > Org > Gnome > Desktop > Media-Handling > Automount/Automount-open/Autorun Never

If you want to install it via a terminal, use the following terminal command:

sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

Hope it helps. :d



Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:13:51 am


I assume this is solved now?. I will mark it as such unless you have another question!. :D